You DON'T Wanna Miss A Thing
ICON has gone social! We're on FB, Twitter and IG!
ICS Team03/03/15 10:03am

Yeah, sing it. Because this is how you should really feel right now, Ka-Globe.

And because you can't afford to miss a thing, we have gone social!

We have invaded Facebook, Twitter and Instagram through:

Facebook Page - Globe ICON *

Twitter - @globeicon

Instagram - Globe_ICON

You know what to do, Ka-Globe! Because again...

"You don't wanna miss a thiiiiiiiiinnnnnnggggggggg.........!!!"

* GlobeICON is our window to the world. In the same manner, it's also a peep inside our wonderful Ka-Globe world. Feel free to share the social media sites to your friends and families. Encourage them to like it so that we could also understand how they enjoy the digital life.

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