5 Healthy Desktop Snacks
Munch away, it's okay!
Elaine Gallardo, ICONtributor05/19/17 14:05pm

We know too much work kept you slumped in your desk and the only thing that can comfort you is snacking on the junk food stashed in drawer. (Which you also shouldn't do, it's against workplace rules!) But you owe it yourself to take control of this habit and start snacking healthy. You can, if you plan. Below are some ideas to tide you over and satisfy your 3pm cravings. Each of these snacks has less than 200 calories and can easily be prepared.

1. Monday: Frozen grapes - A cup of frozen grapes (110 calories). Unlike strawberries, that is rock-solid when frozen, grapes are still firm to bite. So easy to prepare, just wash the grapes, put it in a pan. Let it air-dry then freeze. Put it in an airtight container when bringing to the office. It’s best to use the red vs. the green ones.


2. Tuesday: Whole Wheat Crackers - You can take a pick from any of these three readily-available brands: Sky Flakes Fit Omega 3 (120 calories), Rebisco Whole Wheat (150 calories) and Sky Flakes Fit Oat Fiber Crackers (105 calories). If you are familiar with these brands’ regular flavor then you will not have a hard time adjusting to the taste.

sky04.jpgRebisco-WholeWheat-small.png    SkyFlakes_omega3[1]1.png

3. Wednesday: Popcorn with Parmesan - Cook the popcorn based on its cooking instructions. When done, sprinkle a good amount of grated parmesan cheese and you are off to your 150-calorie snack of the day


4. Thursday: Chocolate-coated almonds - 1 ounce of serving of almonds (or 23 pieces) is already equivalent to 100 calories. So you can eat them as it is or spike it a little bit to give in to your sweet-tooth cravings. It is so easy to prepare, just melt dark chocolate in a pan. Drop the almonds and let it cool. You may try adding drops of mint for an alternative flavor. But that would bring you to 149 calories. Just be sure to eat in moderation, because let us admit it, we are talking about chocolatey!



5. Friday: Hard-boiled egg - The good ol’ hard-boiled egg can give you 80 calories.


How about you, what's your snackin', healthy secret? Care to share in the comments?

Happy snackin’ Ka-Globe!


About our ICONtributor

Elaine A. Gallardo is mom of two toddlers who are fond of making a riot. Weekends are spent answering questions about life, "Mom why do I always have to eat?" "Mom why are you eating grass (upon seeing the lettuce on my sandwich)? She loves reading, videoke and trying out new recipes in her spare time (if she can have some).

Elaine heads your Internal Communcations Official Network (ICON) and is the newest addition to the team.

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