Soaring Voices: A Behind-the-scenes Look
Voices@Work bags another successful major concert
Cecille Fernandez and Zach Ballaran, ICONtributors03/07/16 13:03pm

All photos by Zach Ballaran

You'd think shows were just that, right? Nope. Here, Cecille Fernandez, a member of Voice @ Work and ICONtributor, shares with us the stuff you can't see as you watched.

All of us were excited and at the same time very nervous as we saw people coming into the venue and getting themselves seated. I swear, our respective thought balloons just had one, bold statement: "THIS IS IT!" combined with our irregular heartbeats as we wait for the show to start. The A/C didn't help as it was quickly drying up our throats which reduced us all into a "contained" panic. But what was going for us is that we have been together for several months already that the support for each other was very much felt. We all just had to look at each other and we knew that all will be well and whatever happens, we were there for each other.

Prepping was not easy, breezy either! While on stage, we may have looked so kept and neat, we had to use several safety pins to hold our dresses in place - not to mention we had to make changes in between our sets!

It was very fulfilling to finally perform the songs we have been trying to learn for months now. It was quite ambitious to decide to produce a concert in four (4) months but we took a leap of faith and now, we are just so glad we did.

Our Les Miserables medley was a hit and our novelty song "Bulaklak" which opened the 2nd set brought the house down! But without sounding biased, if I will base it on the faces that greeted us after the concert, I believe they all loved our line-up of songs. I think everyone went home entertained.

It was a treat to feel that our audience were still waiting for us to sing more after our encore that our choral conductor, Lester Delgado, had to tell them that it was the end of the show.

This event will definitely not be possible without the support of all our respective ISes who allowed us to pursue our passion for singing. Also, our heartfelt thanks to the overwhelming support we received from Joe Caliro, Rizza Eala, Beck Eclipse, Albert De Larrazabal, Gil Genio, and Ato Jiao during this event. Special thanks to our big boss, Ernest Cu who never fails to send us encouraging words.

That's our ICONtributor Cecille on the main mic! Woohoo!

Ato (Jiao, Chief Human Resource Officer) and Gil (Genio, Chief Technology and Information Officer) enjoy the concert

Part of the show's proceeds were donated to Casa San Miguel

Kids from Casa San Miguel perform on stage


About our ICONtributor

Cecille Fernandez is one of the most cheerful persons you could meet at Globe. Always armed with her smile, she digs photography, loves writing and is a cooking fan.

Cecille is part of the Human Resources Group and could be found at the 19F of The Globe Tower

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