30,000 Blocked Numbers! #stopscam Continues!
Numbers identified as source of spam/scam messages disconnected!
ICS Team10/02/15 09:10am

      C:\Users\10006364\Desktop\stopscam_update (1).jpg


The number of scammers and spammers are now down by some 30,000. And though they keep on coming - we do too!

We have just disconnected from service close to 30,000 prepaid numbers found to be consistent source of spam and scam text messages! It's because we hate it - HATE IT! - when our customers get bugged by these unsolicited and annoying messages!

These blocked numbers were the subject of complaints reported through the globe.com.ph/stopspam where our customers are simply asked to provide all the details of spam and scam messages they received on their mobile devices. Numbers that are reported to be a constant source of spam messages are then disconnected from service.

The numbers were also identified via an automated filtering system we're implementing to keep our most loved customers from receiving scam and spam messages, as we recently expanded the coverage of the functionality wherein the system now covers majority of our 2.3 million postpaid customers.

So far, we have already blocked a total of 30.8 million of spam and scam text messages where the volume of messages blocked by the network filtering system averages about 90,000/day, reaching a peak of around 200,000 in July this year!

So keep being vigilant Ka-Globe and continue reporting these scam/spam messages!

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