20 Years Ago, 'Text' Changed the Way We Connect
Looking back at the stuff we started...
ICS Team09/16/15 13:09pm

The answer to yesterday's question is: Globe Mackay Cable and Radio Corporation. The "C" in GMCR is not Clavecilla as some have raised, according to Republic Act no. 07229, which declares the merger between Globe Mackay Cable and Radio Corporation and Clavecilla Radio System, declaring also Globe Mackay Cable and Radio Corporation as the surviving corporation. 


Today is 0916.

Among our most cherished prefixes is 0916. Owners of the prefix share the 0917 destinction of being long-time Globe customers. Although used mostly for prepaid, the prefix is a symbol of loyalty of our customers who have been with us through the years. We do everything for them.

Around 20 years ago, we launched Short Messaging System (SMS) - more popularly known as "text" - in the Philippines. Anyone remember their old Nokias? The "iPhone" back then was the "5110". It was small and could "text"! When they came out, they virtually wiped out pagers. Imagine? There was actually a time when we had to call someone, just to send a message to another person! Crazy, eh?

Here's  one of our most favorite commercials on text messaging:

And we continue to dominate on emotion today, Ka-Globe! As we remember our beginnings, let's not forget - tomorrow is the big day!

How did this ad - and bit of history - make you feel? We hope, not old ;)

It's Happy 917 tomorrow! Keep your eyes peeled for surprises!

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