This Box Doesn't Tell Weather - It Shows You!
Sustainability Undisputedly Sexy issue no. 50
ICS Team06/05/15 14:06pm

What if you don't have to be told of the weather and instead SHOWN the weather?

That's precisely what this "weather in a box" does for you. Plug it into a computer and you have your own cloud. Indoors. Crazy!

Here it is in action:

Need we say more? Okay, here are the geeky details.

It was invented by a software engineer named Ken Kawamoto. Japanese! He created it because he says he wants to “break the barrier between the digital world and the real world”. He calls the product a "Tempescope".

Yeah, you could throw your barometer out the window now as this "little box can create real raindrops and clouds and simulate lightning and sunlight to show you the weather forecast or real-time weather display," writes

You can read more about the geekery there. Meantime, leave us alone raindrops-watching.


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